
Arjuna bark is used in Ayurvedic medicines and home remedies. Arjuna bark has many medicinal properties that help protect the body from diseases. Arjuna bark is considered very beneficial for the heart. It contains phytochemicals, which work to improve heart health. Arjuna bark also helps in controlling BP and cholesterol. Both of these things reduce the risk of heart attack if controlled. You can drink Arjuna bark by making water, powder or tea and decoction. But let's know for how many days you have to drink it?

Ayurvedic doctors say that you should start using it only after consulting a doctor. You can use it to stay healthy, but not for a long time. You can use Arjun bark 1-2 times a week for about a month or two. If you are using it to cure any disease, then do so only after consulting an Ayurvedic doctor. He will tell you its dosage and the correct way to use it.

How to use Arjuna bark?

You can drink Arjun bark decoction. If you want, you can use it by mixing it in milk, water or honey. Put Arjun peel in milk and boil it. Filter the milk and drink it. You can add it to tea. You can drink only Arjun bark water. You can consume its powder.

benefits of arjuna bark

Arjun bark proves beneficial in removing skin related problems.

Acne and boils can be reduced by using Arjun bark. It also reduces aging.

Arjun bark is also considered good for making the heart healthy. It cures heart related problems.

Arjun bark also helps in reducing high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart attack.

Arjun bark is also used for stomach problems. It is used to stop diarrhea and dysentery

Arjun bark is also considered good for reducing inflammation in the body. It has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce inflammation

Arjuna bark is considered effective for keeping the stomach and body fit because it improves metabolism.

(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)
