Due to less physical activity in winter, uric acid starts increasing in the body. Actually, the amount of purine in the body starts increasing which causes problems. This increases the level of uric acid in the body, which can cause joint pain and swelling. Apart from this, the problem of uric acid also increases due to unhealthy eating. Due to which there can be problems like joint pain, knee pain and feeling cold. People take medicine for this. Some people adopt home remedies. But you can control uric acid even without medicine and home remedies. For this, practice yoga daily. There are some yoga postures that help in controlling uric acid. Know which yoga should be done to control uric acid?
Yoga to control uric acid
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)- Bhujangasana is one of the 12 yoga postures of Surya Namaskar. Doing this strengthens the muscles. Doing this yoga puts pressure on the stomach, which helps in weight loss and also controls the level of uric acid deposited in the body.
Bridge pose- Doing this yoga exercise strengthens the core muscles. This increases blood circulation and removes toxic substances accumulated in the body. It helps in reducing stress and keeping the body active. Doing Bridge pose also reduces uric acid.
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Spinal half twist)- By doing this yoga daily, the toxins present in the body are removed and the body is detoxed. This also reduces uric acid. By doing this yoga, the stretch in the leg muscles increases which relieves pain and cramps.
Sukhasana (Easy pose)- Doing this yogasana relaxes the body a lot. It improves your bad posture and also improves digestion. It also helps in removing excess uric acid found in the body. The special thing is that doing this yoga regularly helps in keeping both body and mind calm.