Health: Kumar Sanu created a lot of buzz in the 90s with his brilliant songs. His name comes among the superhit singers of the 90s. Kumar Sanu has a unique style, which makes his fans crazy. These days a video of Kumar Sanu is going viral on social media in which a doctor is cracking his nose bone. The doctor is treating Kumar Sanu's sinus. After this, he is also taking chiropractic therapy to get rid of stomach and back problems. Know what is chiropractic therapy through which sinus and many other diseases are claimed to be cured?
Chiropractor Rajneesh Kant has shared a video of Kumar Sanu on Instagram, in which Kumar Sanu is cracking his nose bone. This video is old. While sharing the video, he wrote, 'The singer is being treated for sinus'. In the video, Kumar Sanu himself is sharing his wonderful experience after chiropractic therapy. Kumar Sanu said that he could not believe that this therapy was so effective and he is feeling fresh.
What is Chiropractic Therapy?
In chiropractic therapy, manual therapy is given by a professional. In which problems of muscles, bones, joints, and nerves are treated. Experts of chiropractic therapy try to bring the bones and muscles into correct alignment and posture by cracking them. Doing this provides a lot of relief.
What diseases are treated with Chiropractic Therapy?
Body pain is treated through this therapy. Joint and knee pain is treated. It is claimed to cure sinus, migraine, back pain, sciatica, neck pain, muscle stiffness, and bone pain. This treatment is also called spinal manipulation or joint manipulation.