
Along with Christmas celebrations, people all over the world start preparing to welcome the New Year. They make many promises to themselves to bring about a change in their lives. In the survey reports that come out every year, everyone's first resolution is to improve their lifestyle and bring their body in perfect shape. Because physical and mental health will be good only when the body cooperates. Only if your weight is controlled, you will be protected from diseases. The latest study says that looking thin from outside, that is, not having fat on your body, does not mean that you are not fat. Now, just having a perfect BMI is no longer an indicator of being healthy. Thin outside and fat inside, this condition is deceiving you regarding health and is causing many diseases, of which heart disease, fatty liver, diabetes-BP, arthritis and cancer are the top ones.

Now you must be thinking that if there is no BMI then how will we know who is perfect and who has fat in his body. For this you can take the help of waist to hip ratio and BRI but these tests are a bit complicated which not everyone can measure easily. Now people are also getting to know the fat in their body through BCA. BCA means body composition analysis and this test is done by machine. In this, the percentage of body fat is seen in comparison to muscles and bones. So get this test done today and find out if there is fat deposited on your internal organs and even if there is fat deposited, it does not matter because whether the fat is inside or outside, it will not stand in front of Swami Ramdev's remedy.

waist to hip ratio

Take your waist measurement

Measure your hip and
divide it.
If it is less than 0.9 then it is fine.
If it is more than 1 then it is a risk to your heart.

Body Round Index

Like BMI, it measures height and weight. It
also measures waist and hip size. It
detects belly fat.
If BRI is less than 5, then the body is fit. If
BRI is more than 5, then the belly fat is more.
If BRI is more than 7, then be careful.

Body Composition Analysis

Muscles and bones are checked and
body fat % is checked

How to change your lifestyle?

Do not let your weight increase.
Quit smoking.
Sleep on time.
Take 8 hours of sleep.
Get your BP and sugar checked.
Work out.
Do meditation.

Causes of obesity

Bad lifestyle
, fast food,
carbonated drinks,
mental stress,
lack of workout,
side effects of medicines,
lack of sleep

Obesity will decrease, a panacea

Drink lemon water in the morning Drink
gourd soup-juice
Eat salad before meals
Avoid eating roti-rice at night
Have dinner before 7 pm
Drink water 1 hour after meals

Women will remain fit, change some habits

Do not eat stale food,
have breakfast
, take rest in the afternoon,
do not ignore illness,
take care of yourself too

How to wake up early in the morning?

Make your time table,
fix your sleeping time
, challenge yourself,
drink water at night before sleeping

Your weight will be controlled, bring changes in your life

Climb stairs instead of lift.
Do not drink coffee and tea repeatedly.
If you feel hungry, drink water first.
Keep a gap of 3 hours between eating and sleeping.

Reduce obesity, try home remedies

Drink ginger-lemon tea.
Ginger controls fat

Reduce obesity, try Triphala

Take 1 spoon of Triphala with warm water at night.
Triphala improves digestion and
reduces weight.

Lose weight, try cinnamon

Take 3-6 grams of cinnamon,
boil it in 200 grams of water,
add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink it
