These days, the number of patients suffering from heart diseases has increased rapidly. Now people are falling victim to heart attack at a young age. In such a situation, to make your heart healthy, include some of these foods in your diet. Consumption of these foods helps in reducing cholesterol. Due to the reduction in bad cholesterol, the heart remains healthy and the blood pressure level is also maintained. These foods improve HDL and reduce LDL and triglycerides, which reduces the risk of heart attack and other heart related diseases.
Include these foods in your diet:
Garlic : Garlic is an anti-aging spice. According to Ayurveda, it is no less than a tonic for your heart health. It improves blood circulation and reduces the accumulation of bad cholesterol inside the blood vessels. For heart health, you can eat half/1 raw garlic on an empty stomach or before meals for 8-12 weeks.
Pomegranate is also beneficial: According to Ayurveda, pomegranate is one of the best fruits for heart health. Its consumption significantly reduces the level of triglycerides and LDL while the level of HDL increases significantly. You can eat 1 pomegranate daily as breakfast or 2-3 times a week.
Green Tea : Green tea contains catechins and its antioxidant compounds help reduce LDL and bad cholesterol levels. You can drink it before 12 am. Which helps in weight loss and reducing cholesterol.
Cinnamon : Cinnamon is also very beneficial for your heart health. Its consumption not only reduces obesity but also reduces diabetes, triglycerides, LDL and bad cholesterol. You can drink cinnamon water in the morning. Apart from this, you can also use it in tea and food.
Arjuna Bark Tea: It is the best cardio-tonic among all the herbs in Ayurveda. Its cooling nature, astringent taste and easy to digest properties help us balance the Kapha and Pitta doshas and its bitter vipaka helps detoxify the blood. Take 100 ml of water and 100 ml of milk, add 5 gm Arjuna bark powder and a pinch of cinnamon and boil till it reduces to half. Strain it and drink it before bedtime or 1 hour before meals in the morning/evening.