Health: On Monday, India's Union Health Ministry said that the country had confirmed its first case of Mpox this year. The authorities announced in a news release that a 26-year-old male from Hisar, Haryana, who had recently been to a country affected by the Mpox virus, tested positive for the virus. He presented with symptoms such as skin rashes and red boils on Saturday and was admitted to the government-run LNJP Hospital in Delhi. The results of his tests have verified that the patient has Mpox virus clade 2 infections.
The government has also advised the states to take all precautions. This is a good thing but many people are still unaware of what monkeypox is and how it spreads. Monkeypox is a viral infection that is caused by animals like rats, squirrels and monkeys. Understand the way it spreads. Monkeypox can occur by coming in contact with infected animals or human beings, touching an infected person, or eating undercooked contaminated meat.
Those people whose immunity is weak have to be more cautious. Many people do not even know why their immunity is weak. There can be many reasons for this, such as constantly battling a disease, not taking precautions in changing weather and the biggest reason is the deficiency caused by carelessness in eating habits. So let us know today from Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev how to remove the body's deficiency from natural sources and how to avoid this disease known as monkeypox.
Tips to keep BP in control
Drink plenty of water
Eat food on time
Don't eat junk food
Have 6-8 hours of sleep
Avoid fasting
BP will remain normal if you include these in your diet
Deficiency diseases
Vitamin A deficiency: Eye diseases and poor growth in children
Calcium deficiency: Bone, and teeth diseases
Vitamin B12 deficiency: Neuro problems, poor memory
Iron deficiency: Anemia
Vitamin D: Depression, fatigue