Health News : If you do not control high uric acid in time, then you may have to face painful problems like joint pain, swelling and arthritis. Let us know about some such food items whose elements can reduce the problem of high uric acid to a great extent. Such food items can also prove to be very beneficial for your overall health.
Yogurt- The probiotics found in yogurt can prove to be effective in controlling high uric acid. For your information, let us tell you that probiotics promote good bacteria in your body. You should also make a bowl of yogurt a part of your diet.
Guava- Vitamin C rich guava can also reduce the problem of uric acid to a great extent. If you cannot eat guava as a fruit, then you can include guava juice in your diet.
Lemon- Lemon contains citric acid which can prove to be effective in removing uric acid from your body. To get better results, start drinking lemon juice mixed with about a glass of lukewarm water every day.
Green Vegetables- Green vegetables can prove to be helpful in controlling uric acid as well as improving your overall health. Start consuming vegetables like spinach, fenugreek and broccoli and see the positive effect yourself.
(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)