
Health: Many times while cooking, our hand sticks to the pan or cooker and sometimes oil spills on some part of our body. In such a situation, there is severe pain and burning and people do not understand what to do. Let us tell you that if the hand is slightly burnt due to steam or flame, then to avoid blisters, you should immediately try these home remedies. If you try these remedies, then there will be no burning sensation and after burning, it will not appear in the form of blisters and scars. So, let's know what should be applied to a burnt wound. 

Try these home remedies for burns:

Apply cold water: Apply cold water to the burned area for 10 to 15 minutes. Or place a clean towel soaked in cold tap water. Do not use ice. Applying ice directly to the burned area can damage tissues.

Apply aloe vera gel: If the skin on the hand or any part of the body is burnt due to high heat, then apply aloe vera to the affected area. Aloe vera will reduce the burning sensation. Apply aloe vera gel taken from the leaf of the aloe vera plant directly on the affected area. If you buy aloe vera from a store, make sure that it has a high percentage of aloe vera. Avoid products that contain additives.

Apply potatoes: If you get burnt due to high heat or steam, you should immediately apply potatoes. Applying potatoes provides relief from burning and swelling. Cut the potatoes and apply them to the burnt area. 

Banana pulp: Banana pulp is also applied to burnt areas. This will prevent blisters on your skin. If you get burnt by water or hot tea, you can apply coconut oil, this will reduce swelling. 

Apply Colgate: If your hand gets burnt while cooking in the kitchen, apply Colgate on the burnt area immediately. Burning sensation and swelling will reduce as soon as Colgate is applied. 

Apply antibiotic ointment to blisters: If blisters burst, gently clean the area with mild soap and water, apply antibiotic ointment, and cover with a nonstick gauze bandage.
